Sub Bottom Profiler
QGI (Qyudos Geosurvey Indonesia) has just added 398 kilometers of Sub Bottom Profiler data into the QGI data library.
In the middle of this year we supported our colleagues with the acquisition, processing and reporting of Sub Bottom Profiler (SBP) data for a site investigation survey in Papua, Indonesia.

This survey was the longest survey we conducted in 2023, with approximately 398 km of line mapped. This survey aims to evaluate the condition of the survey area that is planned to be used for the development of the LNG project.

We used a transducer with a frequency of 3.5 kHz and the SBP Stratabox 3510. Our equipment caught several interesting features, one of which was an indication of shallow gas presence in the form of blanked-like acoustic blanking.
We present a CAD report for each SBP profile that includes processed images, as well as interpretation.