Bengkalis, Kepulauan Riau | Geophysics & Geotechnic Survey for Bridge Construction | 2024 |
Teluk Kumai, Kalimantan Tengah | SSS Survey | |
Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur | SBP Survey | |
Kupang, NTT | SBP Survey | |
Lombok, NTB | SBP Survey | |
Kapuas, Jambi | SBP Survey | |
Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur | SBP Survey | |
Asahan, Sumatera Utara | SBP Survey | |
Bintuni, Papua Barat | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Alor, NTT | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Ende, NTT | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Weda, Maluku Utara | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Ancol, DKI Jakarta | Multibeam Bathymetric Survey | |
Tarakan | SBP Survey – Site Investigation for Subsea Pipeline | 2023 |
Asahan | SBP Survey for Canal Maintenance | |
Lampung | SBP Survey for Sand Mining | |
Kolonadale, Morowali Utara, Sulteng | Bathymetric Survey – Pre-Dredging | |
Karangkates, Malang, Jatim | SBP Survey for Floating Solar PV Site Investigation | |
Bintuni, Papua Barat | SBP Survey for Site Investigation LNG Development | |
Waingapu, NTT | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Singkil, Sumbar | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Tanjung Beringin, Sumut | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Fakfak, Papua Barat | Survei Batimetri | |
Una-una, Sulut | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Cilacap, Jateng | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Pabelokan, Kep. Seribu | SBP Survey for Subsea Pipeline Investigation | |
Meulaboh, Aceh | Bathymetric & SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Planning & Development | |
Lampung | Bathymetric & SBP Survey Sand Mining | |
Banyu Urip, Cepu, Jatim | Survei Batimetri | |
Tual, Maluku | SBP Survey – Site Investigation for Subsea Pipeline | |
Danau Sindangheula, Banten | Bathymetryc Survey – Resevoir Sedimentation | |
Saguling, Jabar | Bathymetric Survey, Gravity Core & Grab Sampling for Floating Solar PV Site Investigation | |
Samarinda, Kaltim | Survei Batimetri | |
Saguling, Jabar | SBP Survey, Gravity Core & Grab Sampling | |
Dumai, Riau | SBP Survey | 2022 |
Danau Singkarak, Sumbar | SBP Survey | |
Pomalaa, Sulteng | Bathymetric & Side Scan Sonar Survey | |
Tanjung Selor, Kaltim | Bathymetric Survey for Shipping Route Planning | |
Situbondo, Jatim | Survei Batimetri | |
Tanah Paser, Kaltim | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
OKI, Sulsel | SBP & SSS Survey for Wreck Identification | |
Semarang, Jateng | SBP Survey for Subsea Pipeline Investigation | |
Patimban, Subang, Jabar | SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Tanjung Apiapi, Sulsel | Bathymetric & SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development | |
Samboja, Kutai Timur, Kaltim | SBP & Side Scan Sonar Survey | |
Tuban, Jawa Timur | Bathymetric Survey for dredging | |
Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tengah | Side Scan Sonar Survey | |
Malang, Jawa Timur | SBP Survey for dredging | |
Tanjung Balai Karimun, Kepri | SBP Survey for sedimentation | |
Tanjungsauh, Batam | Geophysics & Geotechnic Survey for bridge construction | 2021 |
Bahaur, Kalimantan Tengah | SBP Survey for dredging | |
Bengkalis, Riau | Side Scan Sonar Survey for dredging | |
Tanjungpriuk, Jakarta | SBP Survey for rock detection. | |
Riau | SSS Survey for pier debris detection. | |
Inari, Papua | SBP and SSS Survey for pile mitigation. | |
Kalimantan Timur | SBP Survey for sedimentation and coal spills. | |
Cilegon, Banten | SBP Survey for port planning. | 2020 |
Cilacap, Jateng | SBP Survey for ship lanes sedimentation. | |
Calabai, NTB | SBP Survey for coal spill. | |
Bobong, Maluku Utara | SBP Survey for sedimentation. | |
Tegalmas, Lampung | SBP and SSS Survey for cable mitigation. | |
Kalimantan Barat | SBP Survey for port wall mitigation. | |
Padang | SBP and SSS Surveÿ for sea maines. | |
Batam | SBP Surveÿ for port mitigation. | |
Jakarta | SBP Surveÿ for sediment layer. | |
Cilacap, Jateng | SBP and Magneto Surveÿ for underwater cable detection. | |
Muara Kandis, Lampung Timur | SBP Surveÿ for sea sand dredging. | 2019 |
Lewoleba, NTT | Depth Mapping Bathymetric Survey for ship shipping lanes. | |
Pantai Kuta Sawangan, Bali | Bathymetric and Gravity Core Survey for sea sand dredging. | |
Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara | Depth Mapping Bathymetry Survey for gas mining company shipping lanes. | |
PLTU Cilacap | Depth Mapping Bathymetry Survey for dredging. | |
Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi | Side Scan Sonar Survey. | |
Barito, Kalimantan Barat | Depth Mapping Bathymetry Survey. | |
Manokwari, Papua | Topographic Survey. | |
Aceh | Depth Mapping Bathymetry Survey for dredging Pupuk Kaltim pond. | |
Bengkulu | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for obstacle, sedimentation investigation, and dredging. | 2018 |
Batam | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for obstacle and sedimentation investigation. | |
Bekasi | Side Scan Sonar Survey. | |
Tanjung Tiram, Medan | Obstacle and Sedimentation Investigation Sub Bottom Profiling Survey. | |
JITC Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara | Bathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, and Sub Bottom Profiling Surveys for obstacle investigations and underwater mapping. | |
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara | Bathymetric Survey for depth mapping | |
Labuan Bajo | Bathymetric Survey for depth mapping | |
Belitung Timur | Bathymetric Survey for depth mapping | |
Jambi | Bathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for pipeline investigations. | |
Balongan, Indramayu | Bathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for PT.Pertamina’s, pipeline investigation and construction of new SPM. | |
Semarang, Jateng | Bathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for PT.Pertamina’s, pipeline investigation and construction of new SPM. | |
Banggaiba, Sulawesi Tengah | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for the reservoir development plan. | |
Serang, Banten | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for PGN gas pipeline investigation | |
Pangkalan Susu, Medan | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey. | 2017 |
Sopeng, Sulsel | Geodetic Topographic Survey for mapping. | |
Bantaeng, Sulsel | Bathymetry Survey for depth mapping. | |
Banggaiba, Sulawesi Tengah | Bathymetry and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for depth mapping. | |
Balikpapan, Kaltim | Bathymetry Survey for depth mapping. | |
Balongan, Indramayu | Bathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey pipeline | |
Semarang, Jateng | Bathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey pipeline | |
Makasar, Sulsel | Bathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, and Sub Bottom Profiling Mapping Survey for dredging. | |
Danau Tempe, Sindereng Rapang, Sulsel | Phase II Bathymetric Survey for depth mapping. | |
Danau Tempe, Sindereng Rapang, Sulsel | Bathymetric Survey for depth mapping. | |
Cilacap, Jateng | Bathymetric Survey and Sub Bottom Profiling obstacle mapping and investigation. | |
Jambi | Bathymetry Survey for depth mapping. | |
Palembang, Sumsel | Bathymetry Survey for depth mapping. | |
Cilegon, Banten | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey. | |
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara | Bathymetry Survey for depth mapping. | 2016 |
Jakarta | Bathymetry and Sub-Bottom Profiling Survey. | |
Tuban, Jateng | Bathymetry Survey for depth mapping. | |
Serang, Banten | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for identifying the obstacle. | |
Bunyu, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara | Sub-Bottom Profiling Survey for pipeline investigations. | |
Pulau Baai, Bengkulu | Bathymetric and Tidal Surveys for depth mapping. | |
Belawan, Medan | Bathymetric survey for container terminal port phase 2. | |
Bengkulu | Bathymetric and Tidal Surveys for depth mapping. | |
Dumai, Kepri | Bathymetric and Tidal Surveys for depth mapping. | |
Sintete, Pontianak | Sub-Bottom Profiling Survey and Side Scan Sonar for wharf construction | |
Belawan, Medan | Bathymetric Survey for shipping channel dredging. | |
Pantai Labu, Medan | Sub-Bottom Profiling Survey for sea sand exploration. | |
Manggar, Belitung Timur | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Natuna, Kepri | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Bengkalis, Kepri | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Selat Panjang, Kepri | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Tanjung Balai Karimun, Kepri | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Tanjung Batu, Kepri | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Tanjung Pinang, Kepri | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Dabo, Kepri | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Marunda, Jakarta Utara | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Sungai Siak, Riau | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Pontianak | Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan. | |
Balikpapan, Kaltim | Bathymetric Survey for depth mapping. | 2015 |
Saumlaki, Kepulauan Maluku Tenggara Barat | Bathymetry and Tidal Survey for depth mapping. | |
Teluk Penyu, Cilacap, Jateng | SBP, SSS, Tides, and Bathymetry Survey for submarine oil pipeline investigation. | |
Cilegon, Banten | Sub-Bottom Profiling and Ocean Magnetic Survey for underwater gas pipeline investigation. | |
Batu Besar, Batam | Sub-Bottom Profiling Survey for sea sand exploration. | |
Kampung Baru, Bontang | 1D Geoelectric Resistivity Survey for rock type determination. | |
Karang Jamuang, Madura | SBP, Ocean Magnetic, and MBES Survey for submarine pipeline investigation. | |
Belawan, Medan | Bathymetry Survey. | |
Tanjung Emas, Semarang | Bathymetry and Oceanography Survey. | 2014 |
Juwana, Semarang | Bathymetry and Oceanography Survey. | |
Way Seputih, Lampung Timur | SBP Survey. | |
Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat | SBP Survey. | |
Balai Karimun, Batam | SBP Survey. | |
Garongkong Baru, Sulawesi | SBP Survey. | |
Terminal Pelabuhan Manyar, Gresik | SBP and Side Scan Sonar Survey. | |
Klatak, Banyuwangi | SBP and Bathymetric Survey. | |
Teluk Bintuni, Papua | SBP Survey. | |
Kepulauan Seribu | Magnetic Marine & MBES Survey. | |
Selat Larantuka, NTT | Gravitiy Core. | |
Tanjung Pinang | SBP Survey. | |
Jambi-Batam | SBP Survey. | 2013 |
Bakauheni, Lampung | SBP Survey. | |
Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat | SBP Survey. | |
Gresik, Jateng | Pipeline Survey. | |
Karawaci | GPR (Grown Penetration Radar) Survey. | |
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara | SBP dan Side Scan Sonar Survey. | |
Lampung | GPR (Grown Penetration Radar) Survey. | |
Batam | Sub Bottom Profiling Survey | |
Luwuk, Sulawesi Tengah | Bathymetry Survey for port planning. | |
Tegal Buleud, Sukabumi, Jabar | SBP, SSS, and Marine Magnetic Survey for ferruginous sand exploration. | |
Kabaena, Sulawesi Tenggara | Bathymetry and Tidal Measurement Survey for port planning. | 2012 |
Maringgai, Lampung | Bathymetry, Tidal, and SBP Surveys for sea sand exploration. | |
Bontang, Kaltim | Bathymetry and Tidal Surveys for the development of the PKT-5 port area. | |
Tuban, Jatim | Bathymetry, Tidal, and SBP surveys for port planning of PT. H, Tbk. | |
Teluk Bituni, Papua | Bathymetry, Tidal, Current Meter, SBP, and SSS Surveys for submarine cable installation. | |
Perairan Lampanah, Kab. Aceh Besar, NAD | Magnetic Marine Survey for ferruginous sand exploration. | |
Perairan Lombok, NTB | Sub Bottom Profiling Data Processing for the determination of rock stratigraphy for the installation plan of offshore building piles. | 2010-2011 |
Pelabuhan Bintan | Side Scan Sonar Data Processing for transportation lane plans. | |
Perairan Batam | Side Scan Sonar Data Processing for submarine cable pipe installation plans. | |
Batam | Magnetic Data Processing for submarine cable pipe investigation. | |
Cilacap | Magnetic Data Processing for ferruginous sand investigations. | |
Bontang Exploration Co. Ltd | Side Scan Sonar, Magnetic, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for seabed pipeline route planning design. | |
Mahakam Delta, Kaltim | Magnetic Survey for GTS-Gx pipe investigation (CV Map Service, PT. Kaliraya Sari, Total E&P Indonesia). | 2009 |
Sungai Mahakam, Samarinda, Kaltim | Bathymetry and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for Mahakam pre-dredging project | |
Jawa Barat | ROV Survey for offshore rig inspection at Bima & Arjuna fields BP (British Petroleum). | 2008 |
KPC Tenggarong, Kaltim | Side Scan Sonar Survey for coal conveyor development in Bengalon Port. | |
Selat Malaka | ROV Survey for Exxon Mobil Oil’s NSO-A offshore rig inspection. | |
Sulawesi Selatan | Bathymetry Survey and DGPS Positioning System for dredging mineral resources. | |
Sulawesi Tenggara | Hydro-Oceanography & Geophysics Survey for port construction planning design. | |
Meulaboh, Aceh | Side Scan Sonar Survey for transportation lane design. | |
Pelabuhan unit Balongan, Pertamina | Hydro-Oceanography & Geophysics Survey for port construction. | |
Kangean | Geophysical Survey, Batimety, SSS, and Magnet for EMP gas pipeline cable installation planning design. | |