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Temukan Keunggulan dalam Layanan Geosurvei di seluruh Indonesia.

Keahlian Pemetaan: Jelajahi layanan Topografi, Fotografi Udara dan Batimetri kami yang mendefinisikan presisi.

Wawasan Geologi: Telusuri Survey Geologi kami untuk mengungkap misteri bawah laut.

Menguasai Geofisika: Saksikan kekuatan Survey Geofisika kami yang melampaui pemahaman permukaan.

Eksplorasi Meteo-Osean: Navigasikan kompleksitas Survey Meteo-Osean kami untuk wawasan cuaca dan laut yang komprehensif.

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| Portofolio

Project LocationDescripsionYear
Bengkalis, Kepulauan RiauGeophysics & Geotechnic Survey for Bridge Construction2024
Teluk Kumai, Kalimantan TengahSSS Survey
Samarinda, Kalimantan TimurSBP Survey
Kupang, NTTSBP Survey
Lombok, NTBSBP Survey
Kapuas, JambiSBP Survey
Samarinda, Kalimantan TimurSBP Survey
Asahan, Sumatera UtaraSBP Survey
Bintuni, Papua BaratSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Alor, NTTSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Ende, NTTSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Weda, Maluku UtaraSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Morowali, Sulawesi TengahSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Ancol, DKI JakartaMultibeam Bathymetric Survey
TarakanSBP Survey – Site Investigation for Subsea Pipeline2023
AsahanSBP Survey for Canal Maintenance
LampungSBP Survey for Sand Mining
Kolonadale, Morowali Utara, SultengBathymetric Survey – Pre-Dredging
Karangkates, Malang, JatimSBP Survey for Floating Solar PV Site Investigation
Bintuni, Papua BaratSBP Survey for Site Investigation LNG Development
Waingapu, NTTSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Singkil, SumbarSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Tanjung Beringin, SumutSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Fakfak, Papua BaratSurvei Batimetri
Una-una, SulutSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Cilacap, JatengSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Pabelokan, Kep. SeribuSBP Survey for Subsea Pipeline Investigation
Meulaboh, AcehBathymetric & SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Planning & Development
LampungBathymetric & SBP Survey Sand Mining
Banyu Urip, Cepu, JatimSurvei Batimetri
Tual, MalukuSBP Survey – Site Investigation for Subsea Pipeline
Danau Sindangheula, BantenBathymetryc Survey – Resevoir Sedimentation
Saguling, JabarBathymetric Survey, Gravity Core & Grab Sampling for Floating Solar PV Site Investigation
Samarinda, KaltimSurvei Batimetri
Saguling, JabarSBP Survey, Gravity Core & Grab Sampling
Dumai, RiauSBP Survey2022
Danau Singkarak, SumbarSBP Survey
Pomalaa, SultengBathymetric & Side Scan Sonar Survey
Tanjung Selor, KaltimBathymetric Survey for Shipping Route Planning
Situbondo, JatimSurvei Batimetri
Tanah Paser, KaltimSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
OKI, SulselSBP & SSS Survey for Wreck Identification
Semarang, JatengSBP Survey for Subsea Pipeline Investigation
Patimban, Subang, JabarSBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Tanjung Apiapi, SulselBathymetric & SBP Survey for Site Investigation Port Development
Samboja, Kutai Timur, KaltimSBP & Side Scan Sonar Survey
Tuban, Jawa TimurBathymetric Survey for dredging
Konawe Utara, Sulawesi TengahSide Scan Sonar Survey
Malang, Jawa TimurSBP Survey for dredging
Tanjung Balai Karimun, KepriSBP Survey for sedimentation
Tanjungsauh, BatamGeophysics & Geotechnic Survey for bridge construction2021
Bahaur, Kalimantan TengahSBP Survey for dredging
Bengkalis, RiauSide Scan Sonar Survey for dredging
Tanjungpriuk, JakartaSBP Survey for rock detection.
RiauSSS Survey for pier debris detection.
Inari, PapuaSBP and SSS Survey for pile mitigation.
Kalimantan TimurSBP Survey for sedimentation and coal spills.
Cilegon, BantenSBP Survey for port planning.2020
Cilacap, JatengSBP Survey for ship lanes sedimentation.
Calabai, NTBSBP Survey for coal spill.
Bobong, Maluku UtaraSBP Survey for sedimentation.
Tegalmas, LampungSBP and SSS Survey for cable mitigation.
Kalimantan BaratSBP Survey for port wall mitigation.
PadangSBP and SSS Surveÿ for sea maines.
BatamSBP Surveÿ for port mitigation.
JakartaSBP Surveÿ for sediment layer.
Cilacap, JatengSBP and Magneto Surveÿ for underwater cable detection.
Muara Kandis, Lampung TimurSBP Surveÿ for sea sand dredging.2019
Lewoleba, NTTDepth Mapping Bathymetric Survey for ship shipping lanes.
Pantai Kuta Sawangan, BaliBathymetric and Gravity Core Survey for sea sand dredging.
Tarakan, Kalimantan UtaraDepth Mapping Bathymetry Survey for gas mining company shipping lanes.
PLTU CilacapDepth Mapping Bathymetry Survey for dredging.
Pelabuhan Ratu, SukabumiSide Scan Sonar Survey.
Barito, Kalimantan BaratDepth Mapping Bathymetry Survey.
Manokwari, PapuaTopographic Survey.
AcehDepth Mapping Bathymetry Survey for dredging Pupuk Kaltim pond.
BengkuluSub Bottom Profiling Survey for obstacle, sedimentation investigation, and dredging.2018
BatamSub Bottom Profiling Survey for obstacle and sedimentation investigation.
BekasiSide Scan Sonar Survey.
Tanjung Tiram, MedanObstacle and Sedimentation Investigation Sub Bottom Profiling Survey.
JITC Tanjung Priok, Jakarta UtaraBathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, and Sub Bottom Profiling Surveys for obstacle investigations and underwater mapping.
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta UtaraBathymetric Survey for depth mapping
Labuan BajoBathymetric Survey for depth mapping
Belitung TimurBathymetric Survey for depth mapping
JambiBathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for pipeline investigations.
Balongan, IndramayuBathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for PT.Pertamina’s, pipeline investigation and construction of new SPM.
Semarang, JatengBathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for PT.Pertamina’s, pipeline investigation and construction of new SPM.
Banggaiba, Sulawesi TengahSub Bottom Profiling Survey for the reservoir development plan.
Serang, BantenSub Bottom Profiling Survey for PGN gas pipeline investigation
Pangkalan Susu, MedanSub Bottom Profiling Survey.2017
Sopeng, SulselGeodetic Topographic Survey for mapping.
Bantaeng, SulselBathymetry Survey for depth mapping.
Banggaiba, Sulawesi TengahBathymetry and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for depth mapping.
Balikpapan, KaltimBathymetry Survey for depth mapping.
Balongan, IndramayuBathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey pipeline
Semarang, JatengBathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, Magneto, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey pipeline
Makasar, SulselBathymetry, Side Scan Sonar, and Sub Bottom Profiling Mapping Survey for dredging.
Danau Tempe, Sindereng Rapang, SulselPhase II Bathymetric Survey for depth mapping.
Danau Tempe, Sindereng Rapang, SulselBathymetric Survey for depth mapping.
Cilacap, JatengBathymetric Survey and Sub Bottom Profiling obstacle mapping and investigation.
JambiBathymetry Survey for depth mapping.
Palembang, SumselBathymetry Survey for depth mapping.
Cilegon, BantenSub Bottom Profiling Survey.
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta UtaraBathymetry Survey for depth mapping.2016
JakartaBathymetry and Sub-Bottom Profiling Survey.
Tuban, JatengBathymetry Survey for depth mapping.
Serang, BantenSub Bottom Profiling Survey for identifying the obstacle.
Bunyu, Tarakan, Kalimantan UtaraSub-Bottom Profiling Survey for pipeline investigations.
Pulau Baai, BengkuluBathymetric and Tidal Surveys for depth mapping.
Belawan, MedanBathymetric survey for container terminal port phase 2.
BengkuluBathymetric and Tidal Surveys for depth mapping.
Dumai, KepriBathymetric and Tidal Surveys for depth mapping.
Sintete, PontianakSub-Bottom Profiling Survey and Side Scan Sonar for wharf construction
Belawan, MedanBathymetric Survey for shipping channel dredging.
Pantai Labu, MedanSub-Bottom Profiling Survey for sea sand exploration.
Manggar, Belitung TimurBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Natuna, KepriBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Bengkalis, KepriBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Selat Panjang, KepriBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Tanjung Balai Karimun, KepriBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Tanjung Batu, KepriBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Tanjung Pinang, KepriBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Dabo, KepriBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Marunda, Jakarta UtaraBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Sungai Siak, RiauBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
PontianakBathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiling and, Side Scan Sonar Survey for the PLTG construction plan.
Balikpapan, KaltimBathymetric Survey for depth mapping.2015
Saumlaki, Kepulauan Maluku Tenggara BaratBathymetry and Tidal Survey for depth mapping.
Teluk Penyu, Cilacap, JatengSBP, SSS, Tides, and Bathymetry Survey for submarine oil pipeline investigation.
Cilegon, BantenSub-Bottom Profiling and Ocean Magnetic Survey for underwater gas pipeline investigation.
Batu Besar, BatamSub-Bottom Profiling Survey for sea sand exploration.
Kampung Baru, Bontang1D Geoelectric Resistivity Survey for rock type determination.
Karang Jamuang, MaduraSBP, Ocean Magnetic, and MBES Survey for submarine pipeline investigation.
Belawan, MedanBathymetry Survey.
Tanjung Emas, SemarangBathymetry and Oceanography Survey.2014
Juwana, SemarangBathymetry and Oceanography Survey.
Way Seputih, Lampung TimurSBP Survey.
Ketapang, Kalimantan BaratSBP Survey.
Balai Karimun, BatamSBP Survey.
Garongkong Baru, SulawesiSBP Survey.
Terminal Pelabuhan Manyar, GresikSBP and Side Scan Sonar Survey.
Klatak, BanyuwangiSBP and Bathymetric Survey.
Teluk Bintuni, PapuaSBP Survey.
Kepulauan SeribuMagnetic Marine & MBES Survey.
Selat Larantuka, NTTGravitiy Core.
Tanjung PinangSBP Survey.
Jambi-BatamSBP Survey.2013
Bakauheni, LampungSBP Survey.
Ketapang, Kalimantan BaratSBP Survey.
Gresik, JatengPipeline Survey.
KarawaciGPR (Grown Penetration Radar) Survey.
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta UtaraSBP dan Side Scan Sonar Survey.
LampungGPR (Grown Penetration Radar) Survey.
BatamSub Bottom Profiling Survey
Luwuk, Sulawesi TengahBathymetry Survey for port planning.
Tegal Buleud, Sukabumi, JabarSBP, SSS, and Marine Magnetic Survey for ferruginous sand exploration.
Kabaena, Sulawesi TenggaraBathymetry and Tidal Measurement Survey for port planning.2012
Maringgai, LampungBathymetry, Tidal, and SBP Surveys for sea sand exploration.
Bontang, KaltimBathymetry and Tidal Surveys for the development of the PKT-5 port area.
Tuban, JatimBathymetry, Tidal, and SBP surveys for port planning of PT. H, Tbk.
Teluk Bituni, PapuaBathymetry, Tidal, Current Meter, SBP, and SSS Surveys for submarine cable installation.
Perairan Lampanah, Kab. Aceh Besar, NADMagnetic Marine Survey for ferruginous sand exploration.
Perairan Lombok, NTBSub Bottom Profiling Data Processing for the determination of rock stratigraphy for the installation plan of offshore building piles.2010-2011
Pelabuhan BintanSide Scan Sonar Data Processing for transportation lane plans.
Perairan BatamSide Scan Sonar Data Processing for submarine cable pipe installation plans.
BatamMagnetic Data Processing for submarine cable pipe investigation.
CilacapMagnetic Data Processing for ferruginous sand investigations.
Bontang Exploration Co. LtdSide Scan Sonar, Magnetic, and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for seabed pipeline route planning design.
Mahakam Delta, KaltimMagnetic Survey for GTS-Gx pipe investigation (CV Map Service, PT. Kaliraya Sari, Total E&P Indonesia).2009
Sungai Mahakam, Samarinda, KaltimBathymetry and Sub Bottom Profiling Survey for Mahakam pre-dredging project
Jawa BaratROV Survey for offshore rig inspection at Bima & Arjuna fields BP (British Petroleum).2008
KPC Tenggarong, KaltimSide Scan Sonar Survey for coal conveyor development in Bengalon Port.
Selat MalakaROV Survey for Exxon Mobil Oil’s NSO-A offshore rig inspection.
Sulawesi SelatanBathymetry Survey and DGPS Positioning System for dredging mineral resources.
Sulawesi TenggaraHydro-Oceanography & Geophysics Survey for port construction planning design.
Meulaboh, AcehSide Scan Sonar Survey for transportation lane design.
Pelabuhan unit Balongan, PertaminaHydro-Oceanography & Geophysics Survey for port construction.
KangeanGeophysical Survey, Batimety, SSS, and Magnet for EMP gas pipeline cable installation planning design.

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